2013. január 6., vasárnap


"Yesterday i was thinking on lots of stuffs.. And one of those was on you. I think i know you since 3 years or 4? I don't have idea how many lol it doesn't matter. Agh the point is from all the people i met. From all my friends... You are the one who is always there for me, caring and loving me. You didn't promised things and then left me alone. You are there even when you don't have to even when i don't deserve it. You listen to me, even when i cried you were there. Far from me but there. Even when i've been so mean to you, you waited for me, and you forgaved me. In my worst and saddest moments you were there. Behind the screen, behind the microphone. Why? I don't know but now i feel lucky. I should care for people like you, for you not for the wrong ppl. And give the worth that you deserve. Because you deserve the best i have, you deserve the best in everything, because someone who stays always for someone mean and stupid like me deserve the best in the world. I've hurt you so many times and i am really sorry and i don't have idea how to fix all my mistakes with you. But i will spent all the needed time to find a way. Now i see al clearly now i know i am not that alone as i thought. Thanks to you. I am sorry for taking so many times in realize how wonderful and how much Your worth is. I love you. It doesn't matter how far we are for each other it won't make us apart i will see you someday. Till that day never never never leave me. And again thank you for exist, for be there, for be you n.n"

te amo Rominita ^3^


2013. január 5., szombat

R.I.P. Furuta Junko

Japan. Girls in lolita dresses, posh guys, briefcases, samurais, geishas and funny electrical things.  Japan. Student suicides, molestation, karoshi, prostitution, xenophobia. There are two sides to every coin and I will never forget this. I know that It's horrible what happened to Junko but i still love Japan. I really hope that never will happen such a bad thing there and anywhere on the planet.
The cruel murderers are not officially responsible for their action now, they were punished in the prison and now they are free to act in Japan.

She died 24 years ago. Rest in Peace Junko.


2013. január 3., csütörtök


i really hate learning... especially learning what i dont care about..... T_T

but today i was really.. REALLY ready to study... i sat down and i started to learn.

time went slowly.. so slowly..
i didnt know what time was it.. i made some tea and continued learning.
and suddenly i realized that i was drawing!! mysterious... i was really surprised .__.

this means that im not able to learn :O impossible ><

 i will definitely do one day  ^^ mmmwwah ^3^

2012. december 29., szombat


im really shocked xDDD OMFG what the hell is this??? xDD


i think i wont be able to sleep xDD

2012. december 28., péntek


"Hanabi is firework. In Japan there is no law... I mean we can do firework anywhere, anytime. Buying all those big fireworks. A little bit it's beautiful and then.. how to say this really..it's really hard to explain in english but.. that's really... setsuna, how to say.. That is quite sad but beautiful. It's not romantic but it's really precious, you know. The fireworks are kinda.. burst up in the sky and then vanish with the smoke. Thats a lyrics. And then.. what just..just.. the happens in the moment it's gone. It's really sad but it's really beautiful. It's like our life, you know. With instruments like the shamisen or flamenco guitar they own a long long history. Just you know, our life is just a small, you know, tiny period in a long, long history but we're trying to create something till we die. Its really.. you know, I'm really proud of kinda that thing. It's really sad but beautiful. This is, you know, how we roll, how we live, you know, we got no other way to live but this just playin the guitar, shamisen or whatever. Without these instruments we have no way to live, you know. Its really precious and I really respect the way we live."


2012. december 27., csütörtök


this is downstairs at my house ^^

actually.. im that cute girl in yellow on that pic!! ^^"